DEADLINE: Monday, December 2nd at 11:59 pm
OVERVIEW: The NYU Center for the Humanities offers Research Fellowships to full-time faculty at NYU in the humanities and art disciplines, including but not limited to history, art history, music, philosophy, cultural studies, literary and language studies, religious studies, drama and performance studies, cinema studies, and gender studies. Designed as a year of intensive scholarship aided by discussion, dialogue, and regular exchange with colleagues from around the University, the Faculty Fellowship brings together a group of distinguished, established, and emerging scholars selected in a rigorous review process.
Faculty Fellows meet weekly for a seminar to present research, debate ideas, and learn from colleagues. They participate in Center events of their choosing where they often also contribute as moderators and interlocutors. Please note that Fellows must be in residence at New York University (Washington Square Campus) for the full academic year of their fellowship.
ELIGIBILITY: All full-time faculty on continuing contracts at NYU in the humanities and art disciplines are eligible to apply. Applicants may not have had an NYU-supported leave in the year preceding the Fellowship year. More than one applicant from the same department may apply. Faculty members who have been Faculty Fellows in previous years may apply again after eight years.
If you are unsure whether you are eligible, please contact the Center directly.
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: There are two main requirements expected of faculty participating in this program:
1. Weekly Meetings
Attendance at the weekly seminar (held Tuesdays, 12-2 pm) is mandatory for all faculty Fellows. These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss Fellows’ research projects and explore cross-disciplinary issues in the humanities. Fellows must be in residence at NYU (Washington Square campus) for the full academic year of their fellowship.
2. Course Release
Faculty members must consult with their department chair regarding their intent to apply, and agree on a reasonable course load for the Fellowship year that will minimize the impact on undergraduate teaching. Chairs are asked to write a brief letter in support of the applicant and indicate the department’s willingness to free the applicant from specified teaching assignments and administrative responsibilities. Fellows in consultation with their chair may choose to reduce their teaching load by one course each semester or by two courses in either the fall or spring semester; however, please note that regulations on reduced teaching vary across the university.
The expectation is that each Faculty Fellow’s’ teaching load will be reduced by two courses in the fellowship year to permit intensive focus on their research. The Center provides up to $15,000 toward the teaching replacement costs as needed (pending budget approval). Funds can be used only to cover replacement teaching in the Fellow’s department during the year of the fellowship. Fellows will receive their regular salary and benefits through their school; the Center is not able to pay faculty Fellows directly. Fellows’ remaining course schedule will be arranged by their departments.
Submission of the chair’s letter of support together with the application indicates understanding of these stipulations by the chair and the applicant and agreement to their terms.
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: All application components must be submitted electronically via the online application form (link below).
1. Applicant Information
Applicants are asked to provide personal information, including full title, department, contact information, and year of last sabbatical. Applicants will also be asked whether they intend to take sabbatical during their fellowship year. (NB: applicants intending to take sabbatical during their fellowship year should consult with their department chair as this may affect their regular pay and the terms of their course release.)
Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
In no more than five pages, please indicate education and positions held, publications and major presentations, honors and awards.
2. Research Experience & Project
Applicants will be asked to include the title of the proposed project in addition to the documents listed below.
Project Description (PDF)
In no more than two pages the applicant should describe the research project to be undertaken during the fellowship year, goals to be accomplished, the project’s significance within the field, and its capacity to bridge disciplinary boundaries.
Published Work (PDF)
Please submit one sample of a published work such as an article, book chapter, or significant conference paper (sample not to exceed 50 pages). The submission of books, very long articles, or entire dissertations is discouraged.
3. Letters of Support
Each applicant must provide two letters of support: one from the department chair (or dean, if in Gallatin), and one from a referee external to NYU.
Please note that both letters are due the same day as the application deadline. Please communicate with your referees to be sure that a) they received the invitation to submit a reference, and b) they have submitted their reference in a timely manner.
Department Chair (Word Document or PDF)
This letter should indicate the department’s willingness to free the Fellow from teaching assignments and administrative responsibilities. It should specify the proposed course release and resulting course assignment and describe how the department will address the impact, if any, on the department’s undergraduate program. Applicants from the Gallatin School should submit a letter from the dean.
External Referee (Word Document or PDF)
Applicants should obtain one letter of reference from outside NYU from a senior colleague in a relevant field. Referees should be asked to comment on the potential of the project to have a significant impact on the field, the capacity of the project and the applicant to engage scholars in other disciplines, and the standing of the scholar in his or her field. References should not be requested from current or previous collaborators, dissertation advisors, personal friends, or mentors.
SELECTION CRITERIA AND REVIEW PROCESS: Successful proposals will clearly define a research problem that can be investigated in a one-year project period; will provide a self-contained account of what will be done, how and why; and will demonstrate the likelihood of a significant contribution to the field. Applicants should demonstrate outstanding scholarly promise and ability to successfully undertake the project. In selecting a cohort of Fellows, the Selection Committee will be particularly interested in identifying scholars who represent a diversity of fields and methodological perspectives, and who have demonstrated the ability to engage with other scholars in interdisciplinary conversations. The creative work of applicants in the arts disciplines must involve substantial historical or humanistic research.
Fellows will be selected by the NYU Center for the Humanities Fellowship Selection Committee, composed of senior faculty appointed by the Provost, based on review of the proposal, the C.V., and an external reference. Applicants will be notified by Early March.
MORE INFORMATION: Questions regarding applications should be addressed to
Opportunity Deadline:December 2, 2024 11:59pm