Team Teaching Grants


Team teaching is an approach that models for students the benefits of bringing different analytical and theoretical frameworks and pedagogical styles to bear on a topic. For faculty, team-teaching can be highly rewarding intellectually, often leading to further interdisciplinary work and thus deepening and expanding each instructor’s knowledge and pedagogical tools. Recognizing the benefits of such collaboration, but also well aware that interdisciplinary work poses real challenges, the NYU Center for the Humanities invites interested pairs of faculty members to apply for grants of $5,000 to support the development of team-taught, interdisciplinary undergraduate courses and associated expenses. The aim is to add new offerings to NYU’s existing curricula for students from across NYU’s departments, and to foster faculty cooperation in and out of the classroom.

Two faculty members who are appointed in different departments/ schools and work in different disciplines should apply jointly. At least one applicant must be on a continuing appointment and one must be engaged primarily in a humanities discipline.

Funds may be used to support research and development of the syllabus, including hiring research assistants, and to cover the direct expenses of the course (books, supplies and materials, copying, permissions, visiting speakers, costs for excursions, etc.) Funds will be transferred to one of the co-applicants’ departments for administration locally according to that unit’s fiscal regulations and deadlines. All expenses must adhere to NYU’s rules and regulations.

Application Process
Application Form
Applicants will be asked to provide the following information on the application form:

  • Full names and contact information for each of the two co-instructors/applicants;
  • Names and contact information of the relevant department chairs or deans;
  • Course title and brief course description.

Brief CVs for each instructor and a one-page course proposal are also required. The course proposal should include:

  • A full description of the course, including title, approximate number of students expected to enroll, which semester the course will be offered initially, and in which department. The full description should also note the main topics to be covered, course objectives, and pedagogical approach.
  • How the course will be evaluated, including description of the assignments and methods of measuring student learning and evaluating course effectiveness.
  • Rationale for the course, including a statement of interdisciplinary/cross-disciplinary learning and why this course topic lends itself to team-teaching.
  • A one-paragraph statement on how the funding will be used.

Chair’s Support
A brief note of support from the Chair or Dean of each applicant must also be uploaded.

The deadline is April 17, 2022, 12:59 pm EST. Applicants will be notified by mid-May.

Selection Criteria
The following criteria will be considered by the selection committee:

  • Is the proposed course presented in a clear, detailed, well-organized way, and does it adhere to the program guidelines?
  • To what extent does the proposed course demonstrate an interdisciplinary approach to the topic—does it draw effectively on the expertise of the two lead faculty? Will others from NYU or outside the university contribute to the classroom experience and thus enhance the interdisciplinary nature of the course?
  • Does the proposed collaboration and resulting course have the potential for making a significant impact within a department, school, or the humanities in general?
  • Is the course likely to be a regular offering within one or more departments?
  • Is the budget reflective of real needs?

If you have questions about the program, please contact Molly Rogers, Associate Director of the Center for the Humanities.

Opportunity Deadline:April 17, 2022 12:59pm