© photo by Jeff Day

Kristen Holfeuer

Doctoral Student Fellow

Ph.D. Candidate, Performance Studies

Kristen Holfeuer is a PhD candidate in NYU Tisch’s Performance Studies program. With a broader research interest in the ways in which disability and Indigenous performances reconfigure relationships to space and labor, Holfeuer’s dissertation, “Performances of Exertion in Indigenous Art and Activism”, considers the relational connections derived and maintained through the act of producing art. Her article on beadwork as a form of inoculation is forthcoming in Performance Research and her publication on access aesthetics and intimacy can be found in Women&Performance. Alongside her work as a scholar, Holfeuer maintains her theatrical practice which includes dynamic physical vocabularies, political and social satire, and is concerned with themes of friendship, devotion, and ecological justice. She held a 2023 residency with EmergNYC and her work has appeared at La Mama, Dixon Place, Great Canadian Theatre Company, and Gordon Tootoosis Nīkānīwin Theatre.