NYU Humanities Fellows
Since 2007 the NYU Center for the Humanities has overseen a Fellowship program for faculty and doctoral students. This program provides a fertile setting for Fellows from different departments and schools to advance a current project while engaging in conversation, direct exchange, and robust debate across disciplinary lines. The Center also provides additional support for the Doctoral Student Fellows in the form of bi-weekly workshops on writing and professional development.
The Center is now extending this opportunity to undergraduates. Each year, a cohort of twelve undergraduate Humanities Fellows will be selected from across the university to explore the boundaries and assumptions of their chosen disciplines as they conduct humanistic inquiry through multiple lenses. Professional development workshops will further prepare them for graduate school or employment.
Program Structure
Eligible students must maintain continuous enrollment through both Fall and Spring terms of the academic year. The application asks applicants to demonstrate their interest in the humanities and indicate what they believe they can contribute to the cohort. The group of Humanities Fellows will be selected by a faculty committee based on criteria that include academic excellence and a demonstrated diversity of interests, background and experience.
Humanities Fellows will meet on a bi-weekly basis throughout the academic year for organized discussion on various topics and methodologies, and in field trips and meetings with curators, publishers, activists, artists, and other professionals in areas linked to the humanities. The program, led by the Director of the Undergraduate Fellowship Group, in collaboration with Center staff, is not meant to replace support provided by schools/units, but supplements and deepens students’ engagement with the humanities by providing a forum for cross-disciplinary discussion and debate.
Program Funding
The program provides each undergraduate Humanities Fellow with a scholarship of $300 per semester. Each fellow may also apply for funds (up to $500) to cover expenses relating to their research or academic projects, especially those related to team-based, interdisciplinary, public-facing, or community-engaged projects. Applicants should note that there may be tax implications for any funds received from the program.
Call for Participants
To learn more about the program, including how to apply, please follow the link below.