© photo by Jeff Day

Ademide Adelusi-Adeluyi

Ademide Adelusi-Adeluyi

Doctoral Student Fellow

Doctoral Student, Department of History, Graduate School of Arts & Science

Ademide Adelusi-Adeluyi is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of History. With a strong interest in West African urban history and colonial cartography, her research pairs historical and visual narratives in order to reconstruct the past, in place. She earned her B.Sc. at Northeastern and her M.A. at NYU.  Her dissertation explores the local spatial practices of the women and men living, trading, working and proselytizing on the western coast of Africa in the Bight of Benin. In particular, she analyzes how they imagined, manipulated and represented the spaces they lived in, how they built their homes and cities, and even how they destroyed them, in tense competitions for political and economic power in Lagos between 1845 and 1870.

Ademide is the recipient of the Mellon Dissertation Fellowship in History for 2013-14, and joins the Humanities Initiative as an honorary fellow.