© photo by Jeff Day

Allen Feldman

Allen Feldman

Faculty Fellow

Associate Professor, Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, Stehinardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
Political Speciation and the Critique of Animality

Allen Feldman is a cultural anthropologist who has conducted ethnographic research on the politicization of the gaze, the body and the senses  in Northern Ireland, South Africa and on  the post 9/11 global war of terror. His  research and teaching interests include visual culture,  political aesthetics, political animality,  transitional justice, and practice-led media research. Feldman is the author of the critically acclaimed book Formations of Violence: the Narrative of the Body and Political Terror in Northern Ireland (Chicago UP 1991), numerous essays on political violence as visual and performance culture, and the forthcoming book Archives of the Insensible: War, and Aisthesis as Dead Memory (Duke UP, 2013). He teaches seminars on visual culture, war and media theory, mediated embodiment,  and the  philosophy of  media.