© photo by Jeff Day

Mar Gómez Glez

Mar Gómez Glez

Doctoral Student Fellow

Doctoral Student, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Graduate School of Arts & Science
My secret for myself’, Teresa of Avila’s uses of secrecy

Mar Gómez Glez is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. She holds an undergraduate degree in Sociology from the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, and completed an M.A. in Literary Theory at the University Carlos III of Madrid. She is an award-winning writer, having authored the children’s novel Acebedario, the novel Cambio de sentido, and the playWearing Lorca’s Bowtie, produced by AENY The Duke theater, off-Broadway. She is the recipient of the prestigious Premio de Teatro para Autores Noveles Calderón de la Barca 2011 for her play, Cifras, awarded to the most outstanding play by an emerging dramaturge.