Program Type Research

Cross/Currents H-Lab

The Cross/Currents H-Lab takes the word currents as its inspiration, as both a metaphor and a tool, enveloping not only its main definition in relation to water or its movement, but also its broader reverberations. By connecting the words cross and currents, our main goal is to bring into dialogue environmental humanities and migration studies (with an emphasis on race, diaspora, and indigeneity). In our work together we hope to rehearse ways of bringing literary and artistic analysis to bear on issues of the environment and migration, and vice-versa.

(2020-2021) Holding Hiring Algorithms Accountable and Creating New Tools for Humanistic Research

Digital Humanities Seed Grant Project Project Title: Holding Hiring Algorithms Accountable and Creating New Tools for Humanistic Research Principal Investigators: Hilke Schellmann, Assistant Professor, NYU Journalism; Mona Sloane, Adjunct Professor, Tandon School of Engineering Abstract: The “Holding Hiring Algorithms Accountable and Creating…